Thursday, May 10, 2012

What Is The GOP Thinking? & Why Are They In My Uterus?

By: Lisa Longo
I have to say, I never expected the GOP to so totally torpedo itself. How could they have mishandled everything to this extent? First they unleash their extreme caucus, also known as the "tea" "party", which leads to the birth of the Occupy Movement. Then they decide to take the party right off the cliff by picking a fight with women, and not just any one woman, they pissed us ALL off over the non-issue (to women) on their issue of contraception in health care. And now some State Legislators are attempting to pass heinous, invasive and unconstitutional bills that will insist a woman be given a mandatory ultrasound  prior to abortion, it is beyond offensive.
This came to me tonight from Planned Parenthood PA Activist Network:
  • The Pennsylvania House of Representatives is poised to pass HB 1077, the so-called "Women's Right to Know" Act. This bill operates under the guise that women aren't smart enough to understand their own bodies. It requires all women seeking an abortion to be subjected to a mandatory ultrasound at least 24 hours in advance. It requires the ultrasound screen to be aimed toward the woman's face but 'permits her to avert her eyes' and also requires that she deliver a print of the image to her physician in order to have the procedure. The PA Medical Society and other medical groups have already come out in opposition to this incredible invasion of the physician/patient relationship. Your Representative can stop this demeaning and unnecessary attack by voting NO on HB 1077, but we need your help!That's why I signed a petition to The Pennsylvania State House, which says:"Stop the cruel, demeaning attacks on women - vote NO on HB 1077 and stop mandatory, invasive ultrasounds from becoming law in Pennsylvania!"Will you sign the petition too? Click here to add your name:
So are all republicans ready to jump off this cliff? Now, based upon one or two GOP legislators, I know this is an unfair generalization, and I am gong to say it anyway, I know there are plenty of republicans' who don't cheat on thier wives or who aren't still hiding the fact that they are gay, but it seems to me, they don't really understand women at all. Remember it was Newt Gingrinch who thought we would turn on the Clinton's when Monica was dumb enough not to get that dress dry-cleaned immediately.
But did the GOP learn its lesson? Apparently not. Now it appears the GOP thinks it can win votes by alienating women. Really? When did my uterus become fertile ground for GOP pandering? What will it take to convince the GOP that women have a Constitutional right to privacy and control over their bodies?

Which brings me to another interesting movement born recently, the call for a nationwide day of protest in September. Originally there was a plan for me to help with an event in April, but there are too many questions on the nationalal organization team. Too little cooperation, too much censoring of posts, trolling state group pages, deleting & banning people when they ask questions, not at all what I would consider a credible organization.
I had already invited the President, First Lady, Secretary of State and the President of both the National Organization for Women and of the Feminist Majority. I will continue to work on the fight for women's rights, and will offer help to local groups for the April event, but my focus will return to the national political arena and leave this group to its own silly machinations. Banning in the name of equality, how ridiculous.
This day of national protest in September will be our message to the GOP, stop assaulting our rights! And to tell you the truth, I feel constantly assaulted by the GOP. Starting with my arrest at the 1st Tar Sands, and the constant fight to get the FRAC Act passed, the repeated fight to stop the Keystone XL, the cuts to education, health & welfare, and now this, the final insult, they want to take away my right to control my own body.
It is a particulary vile bit of GOP pandering, but business as usual, when the GOP candidates are down in the polls, they trot out their social justice ponies, here comes gay marriage, next up, abortion, and wait, here comes their new favorite, and no doubt funding, pony, the oil & gas industry, the supposed down-trodden trillion dollar land stealing oil leaking frac fluid contaminating gashole, or in GOP-speak, energy independence.
But I digress. The bill in PA is scheduled for a March 12th vote. Between now and then we need a fast, and furious, campaign, to make sure the GOP is put on notice, vote yes on this bill and we will do everything  we can to make sure you are not reelected. It is time to explain to legislators in no uncertain terms, the GOP has no business in my uterus.

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